Parliamentary committee visits Northern TransNamib infrastructure

The parliamentary standing committee on economics and public administration on Monday commenced a four-day oversight visit on the management of railway services, rail transport, infrastructure and facilities in the Oshana, Ohangwena, Oshikoto and Otjozondjupa regions.

The team started in the Oshana Region where they paid a courtesy call to Oshana governor Elia Irimari, before they proceeded to the Oshakati train station which is under construction.

During their visit there, Deputy chairperson of the committee Mathias Mbundu, expressed his dismay over the delay with the completion of the Oshakati train station.

The new infrastructure was expected to be handed over to TransNamib in July but has now been extended to September 2023, which they say is very close and might see the handover postponed.

However, Mbundu stated that they are happy with the quality of the building.

“After the observation, we will share our findings with the members of parliament for further deliberations,” he said.

The team also visited the Oshikango and Ondangwa train stations, before heading to Oshikoto Region where they will visit the Omuthiya, Oshivelo and Tsumeb train stations.

The team is expected to conclude their visit Thursday with Otjozondjupa Region where they will visit the Otjiwarongo and Outjo train stations.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

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