Parish of Boulsa Celebrates Children’s Christmas Festival to Foster Development and Unity


Namentenga: The parish of Boulsa celebrates the children’s Christmas festival to promote the development of children and living together the parish of Boulsa, like other parishes in Burkina, celebrated children’s Christmas on Sunday, January 5, 2025, in the Christian faith for their development and the promotion of living together. The children’s Christmas party was celebrated on Sunday, January 5, 2025, at the parish of Boulsa. This day, punctuated by the Eucharistic celebration and a football match pitted Protestants and Catholics against each other, the aim of which is to promote social cohesion.

According to Burkina Information Agency, “Facilitating the socialization of the child through mixing activities, teaching them the rules of good conduct in the family, in society and the teachings of the Catholic Church constitute, among others, the reasons sought,” said the counselor sister, Antoinette Sawadogo, at the end of the mass. Let us remember that before the 5th, the children carried out, among other things, the cleaning of the parish grounds, theatrical performances, aerobics sessions, a Bible competition, an evaluation of the best nativity scenes, and liturgical preparation.

By the way, Dominique Singb©ogo was the best in the nativity scene evaluation and the Sainte Faustine sector was the best in the biblical competition. After the morning mass celebrated by the children’s chaplain, Father Sosth¨ne Sawadogo, the children visited the newborns in the maternity ward and hospitalized children and ended with a community meal and a football match which saw the victory of the Protestant team by a score of 3 goals to zero. “The objective has been achieved” said one of the supervisors Benjamin Compaor©.

The student, Ma«lle Mand© from the 1st year middle school class at the Catholic school in Boulsa, also wanted to be like Jesus by respecting her parents and teachers. The parish priest of Boulsa, Father Constant Ou©draogo, thanked the parents and all the people of good will who contributed to the organization of the children’s Christmas party. He announced the Missionary Childhood Week at the end of January 2025 while wishing everyone a happy holiday.