Over 15 000 people expected at independence celebrations

More than 15 000 members of the public and 3 000 public figures are expected to attend the 33rd Independence celebrations at Outapi on Tuesday, Ministry of Information and Communication Technology Executive Director Audrin Mathe has said.

In an interview with Nampa on Monday, Mathe said the preparations are going well and they are looking forward to the main event.

“The NDF and cultural troupes have been rehearsing since Saturday and we are expecting many people. I think it will be well attended, more than what we are expecting,” Mathe said.

He however gave his assurance that they are well prepared and that there is enough food and shelter to cater for everyone.

Mathe indicated that the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism, the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform, traditional authorities in the Omusati Region and the business community have been supportive in terms of donations.

The gates to the event are set to open at 06h00 on Tuesday.

Some of the activities on the programme include the military parade, the air force performance and performances by the Ndilimani troupe.

The event will be addressed by President Hage Geingob.

Independence celebrations are held on a rotational basis in the various regions and last year the main event took place in the Erongo Region.

Omusati Region Governor Erginus Endjala meanwhile said on 21 March, Namibians remember the birth of a nation and pay homage to the heroes and heroines who sacrificed their lives for Namibia’s independence.

He called on Namibians, wherever they are, to celebrate and commemorate Independence Day in unison.

Source: NAMPA

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