Outgoing AU Chair Highlights Peace and Security as Foundations for Agenda 2063


ADDIS ABABA – Comorian President Azali Assoumani, in his capacity as the outgoing Chairperson of the African Union (AU), emphasized the critical importance of peace and security as the foundational elements for realizing the AU’s Agenda 2063. This vision aims to transform Africa into a global powerhouse by fostering a united and prosperous continent.

According to Ethiopian News Agency, his term as AU Chair was marked by a focus on the acceleration of the Africa Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), maritime governance, climate change, and notably, the promotion and preservation of peace and security across the continent. He asserted, “This shared security concern has guided all our activities during our term, convinced that the peacefulness of our continent remains the very basis of realizing our vision by 2063 for a united and prosperous Africa.”

Agenda 2063 serves as the strategic framework for inclusive and sustainable development across Africa. Throughout his tenure, Assoumani highlighted efforts to end conflicts in several African countries and his participation in a United Nations Security Council session chaired by Mozambique, which focused on combating terrorism and violent extremism. He advocated for the establishment of sustainable financial mechanisms to maintain peace in Africa.

In his pursuit of promoting peace and security, Assoumani engaged with key figures in conflict zones, including meetings with generals in Sudan to encourage dialogue and efforts in Guinea Conakry and Gabon to expedite transition processes and restore constitutional order. His efforts also extended to the Sahel region and the conflict in the eastern part of Congo, where he maintained close contact with Angola’s President, mandated by the AU for this purpose.

Assoumani’s chairmanship also included advocacy for the acceleration of the AfCFTA, sending envoys to countries that had not ratified the agreement to address ratification and tariff issues. He called for increased public and private investments, particularly in infrastructure, and reform of international financial institutions to benefit African countries.

Reflecting on his term, Assoumani noted the potential of Africa’s development, emphasizing the blue economy and the continent’s vast maritime areas. He acknowledged the support of the African Development Bank in driving Africa’s development forward.

The year 2023 was highlighted as a decisive year for Africa, with Assoumani underscoring the continent’s presentation on global platforms, including the AU’s admission into the G20 as a significant achievement. He concluded by expressing his commitment to fostering private investment, both national and foreign, to create jobs and wealth sharing across the continent, while also recognizing the potential of African youth as a key asset in all development projects.