Ouahigouya: The actors commit to work in the interest of social cohesion and peace

As part of the Women-Peace-Security Project, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) organized a training session for the benefit of the actors involved in the said project in the North region. It was on Monday August 21, 2023 in Ouahigouya under the chairmanship of the Secretary General of the Region representing the Governor of the North.

“Support for capacity building and the role of women and girls in the transition and peacebuilding process”, is a 3-year project which aims to strengthen, among other things, the technical and institutional capacities women and young girls who are members of the national coalition of women from four targeted regions in Burkina Faso for better participation in decision-making and peace-building bodies.

This project ownership session, organized by the UNDP in collaboration with the agencies of the United Nations system, brought together several actors from six municipalities in the provinces of Passoré, Zondoma and Yatenga.

At the opening of the work, Rokhaya Paquita, coordinator of the Women-Peace-Security Project, argued that the implementation will build capacity and provide women’s and girls’ organizations in the North region with tools to even to facilitate their missions and overcome the potential obstacles they come up against and at the same time fully assume their role as peace-builders in a difficult security context.

“We are convinced that the success of the project will have a positive impact on the stability of the country, social cohesion thus creating favorable conditions for achieving the objectives of sustainable development” indicated Rokhaya Paquita.

The Secretary General of the North region, Kuilga Albert Zongo set the context for the implementation of the project in the region.

The Governor’s representative revealed that the general objective of the project ownership session is to contribute to the adherence and commitment of administrative, customary and religious authorities, civil society organizations as well as beneficiaries in for the successful implementation of the project.

He commended the efforts of the United Nations system to promote sustainable and inclusive development in Burkina Faso through the United Nations Secretary General’s Peacebuilding Fund.

Djénéba Sodré/Sangarba, regional coordinator of women in the North region, at the end of the work, appreciated the strategies for implementing the project and the synergy of actions planned between the different actors.

“This is really a project that brings new opportunities to meet the challenge of capacity building in social and financial education for women and young girls who are members of the national women’s coalition in the four regions of the area of intervention with a view to their empowerment. economy and their involvement in the process of transition and consolidation of peace in the northern region strongly impacted by the effects of insecurity”, argued the regional coordinator for women.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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