Ouagadougou Sets Goal for 30% Local Supply in Mining Sector by 2025

Ouagadougou – The Burkinabè government has set an ambitious target for local companies in the mining sector. By 2025, it aims for Burkinabè companies to account for at least 30% of local purchases by mining companies. This goal was outlined during an information workshop held in Ouagadougou, as reported by the AIB news agency on Thursday.

According to Burkina Information Agency, Technical Secretary for Local Content and Investment Promotion (ST-CLPI), this objective is a key component of the National Strategy for Local Content (SN-CLM) in the mining sector. Zongo believes that local companies are capable of supplying specific types of goods and services necessary for mining operations.

The workshop focused on various aspects of the SN-CLM, including its implementation, the regulations governing local supply and job creation in the mining sector, and the communication plan to support these initiatives. Zongo also discussed the challenges and prospects for the development of the mining sector in Burkina Faso.

A significant aspect of Zongo’s address was the emphasis on the role of the national press in promoting the concept of local content in the mining sector. He encouraged media outlets to contribute to the awareness and understanding of local content issues among the population through reporting and radio broadcasts.

Local content, as Zongo explained, is about ensuring that national economies benefit maximally from industrial mining. This involves not just the local provision of goods and services but also employing local workers, engaging local subcontractors, and supporting national involvement in the entire mining supply chain.

Additionally, local content extends to the transformation and valorization of mining products, encouraging national ownership and supporting their commitment to the mining sector. Mahamadi Nombo, the first communicator at the workshop, highlighted the SN-CLM 2021-2025 and its associated three-year plan, discussing the progress and challenges encountered in its implementation.

Nombo reported that in 2021, local content generated 49 billion FCFA in the mining sector. Currently, 12 mines are operational in the country, with four undergoing rehabilitation and one under construction.

Dramane Namazé Traoré, the second communicator, outlined the priority action plan for local content in the mining sector. He mentioned various initiatives, such as journalist training and press caravans, aimed at better informing local populations and all Burkinabè about local content.

Traoré revealed that the budget for priority communication actions in the mining sector is estimated at nearly 400 million FCFA. The SN-CLM, adopted in 2021, was implemented in 2022 to foster the development of Burkina Faso’s mining sector.

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