Ouagadougou Receives Vital Waste Management Equipment from PRAVO Project

OUAGADOUGOU — In a significant boost to the city’s sanitation capabilities, the Project to Strengthen the Rainwater Sanitation Network in the City of Ouagadougou (PRAVO) has donated two dump trucks and a loader shovel, collectively valued at approximately 230 million FCFA, to the local municipality. The equipment was formally handed over on Tuesday to help enhance waste management and mitigate flooding issues.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the Minister in charge of Urban Planning, the equipment donation is a result of ongoing efforts to coordinate sanitation and rainwater management in the city, aiming to improve public services. The minister emphasized that these resources would bolster the municipality’s operational capacity, particularly in addressing recurrent flooding by enhancing the efficiency of rainwater waste transportation and gutter cleaning.

Maurice Konaté, president of the special delegation of the municipality of Ouagadougou, acknowledged the donation as crucial for the city’s sanitation needs. He expressed gratitude towards the Ministry of Urban Planning and Housing for their consistent support and partnership, underscoring the significance of the new equipment in preventing flood-related disasters.

Project coordinator Solimane Hamed Ouattara, also the general director in charge of town planning, noted that this donation complements a previous batch of equipment delivered in August 2023. He highlighted that these additions are set to improve the management of waste from the Bangr-Weogo canal, a critical area for the city’s drainage system.

The PRAVO project was initiated following a directive from the West African Development Bank after significant flooding on September 1, 2009. It focuses on enhancing the rainwater sanitation network between key sections of the city’s waterways, aiming to prevent such catastrophes in the future.

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