Oshana Governor Elia Irimari Encourages Farmers to Use Government Agricultural Subsidies

OSHAKATI: Oshana Governor Elia Irimari has called on local farmers to take advantage of the government subsidies offered by the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform. In an interview, Irimari highlighted the availability of 30 operational tractors distributed across the region’s 11 constituencies to enhance farming efficiency and harvest outcomes. He noted that three constituencies each received three tractors, with the remaining tractors shared among the other eight constituencies.

According to Namibia Press Agency, Irimari pointed out that 18 individuals received training to operate these tractors. The Ministry of Agriculture had acquired a total of 350 tractors to benefit communal farmers nationwide during the ploughing season. He urged community members to seek information about the available assistance from the ministry.

The cost for ploughing using government tractors is N.dollars 250 per hectare, which farmers must pay, while private tractor services receive a 60 percent subsidy. Additionally, animal-drawn ploughing, costing N.dollars 350 per hectare, also receives government subsidies. Irimari further encouraged farmers to establish backyard gardens, especially during the rainy season, to cultivate vegetables for household consumption and potential resale.

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