OSEP/Gourma: The sector 1 C school wins the football trophy

The final of the cultural and sports activities of the 2023 edition of the Basic Education District (CEB) of Fada N’Gourma N°I was played on Saturday May 2023, 27 with the victory of the school of sector 1 C over the school of Kompouoli in football.

In the first moments, the Kompouoli school seemed to dominate the game. But, against all expectations, the school of sector 1 C changed the face of the match by dribbling and passing here and there.

After seven (07) minutes of play, an attacker from sector 1 C scores a goal. 10 minutes into the game, Samuel Lompo from the school in sector 1C scores a second goal. The score was 2-0 in the first game.

Back for the second part, the school of sector 1 C successively scores two goals. In the last minute of the game, the Kompouoli school reduced the score by scoring a nice goal. The final score is 4 to 1 in favor of the school of sector 1 C.

The victorious team returned with the winner’s trophy, a set of jerseys plus the sum of fifty thousand francs.

For four (04) months, the various schools of the CEB of Fada N’Gourma N°I competed with ardor for this edition of 2023 of cultural and sports activities in the competitions. The theme of this edition is “sport and culture, factors of resilience”.

The Head of the Fada N’Gourma District, Ahadi Idani indicated that the choice of this theme is justified in view of the importance of sport and culture in a difficult security context. Thus, he argued that organizing cultural and sports activities in this context marked by the scarcity of financial resources and the aggravation of the phenomenon of terrorism, is also to demonstrate participation in the peace effort.

Mr. Idani greeted all those near and far who facilitated the organization of this edition. He also greeted the sponsor of this edition, the promoter of the Laafi Ziinga medical center of Fada N’Gourma Zakaria Sana who spared no effort to support the schoolchildren.

In culture, the schools disputed in ballet, in recital, in traditional dance. After the various fierce competitions in football, the final pitted the school of Kompouoli against that of the school of sector 1 C.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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