Operation Shanela in Kimberley Leads to 191 Arrests Across Multiple Charges

KIMBERLEY – A multi-disciplinary high-density operation named “Operation Shanela,” focused on reducing contact and violent crimes in crime hotspots, was conducted from Thursday, 19 October 2023, to Sunday, 22 October 2023.

According to a news release by South African Police Service, the operation involved a multitude of police activities including vehicle check points (VCPs), stop and searches, as well as foot and vehicle patrols. Throughout the operation, 29 VCPs and nine roadblocks were conducted across the province. A total of 61 premises were searched, along with 1301 vehicles and 2879 persons. Compliance inspections were executed at second-hand dealers, liquor premises, mines, farms, and both formal and informal businesses.

During the operation, 191 suspects were arrested on charges ranging from murder and attempted murder to robbery and drug possession. Additionally, 175 daily wanted suspects were traced and apprehended for evading court appearances and violating court orders. Various items including alcoholic beverages, drugs, and cash suspected to be proceeds of crime were confiscated.

The Provincial Commissioner of the Northern Cape, Lt General Koliswa Otola, commended the operation and emphasized the importance of community involvement in fighting crime.

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