Operation Restore ensures that drugs and guns are off the streets

Police members of Operation Restore, deployed in Harare area for high density and crime prevention duties, continue to confiscate firearms and drugs on Thursday, 08 June 2023.

While deployed in Harare area, the members patrolling in Dondonga Maseko Street in Kuyasa spotted a man running from them when he saw the police vehicles, Members gave chase on foot but the suspicious man disappeared between the shacks. Upon returning to where he started running from, the members found a firearm. The members found nine 9mm rounds of ammunition with the inspection of the firearm.

At about 19:30, members of Operation Restore, Khayelitsha were busy with crime prevention patrols at Khayelitsha when they received information about drugs being sold at a premises in Skaapu Street, Site B. The premises were searched and 284 sachets dagga were found inside a 5 litre plastic container. A 42-year-old man was arrested for possession of dagga.

Once charged he will appear in the Khayelitsha Magistrate court on the mentioned charges.

Later the evening at about 23:00, members of the Operation Restore in Gugulethu were busy with stop and searches in NY 97 Gugulethu when they noticed a suspicious looking man who tried to evade them when he saw the Police vehicles. The members pursued and apprehended him and when searched, found a 9mm short firearm in his possession. The 21-year-old male was arrested for possession of an unlicensed firearm.

Once charged he will appear in the Athlone Magistrate court on the mentioned charges.

Source: South African Police Service

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