Omusati police chief assures public of safety at Outapi

Namibian Police Force Omusati Regional Commander, Commissioner Ismael Basson called on the public who intend to be part of the Independence celebrations on Tuesday to ‘come in peace and leave behind dangerous weapons.’

The Independence commemoration for this year is taking place at Olufuko Cultural Centre in Outapi, with President Hage Geingob as the main speaker.

In an interview with Nampa on Monday, Basson while calling on the public to refrain from bringing any weapons to the venue said safety in the region is guaranteed, and people should not worry.

“Do not bring harmful weapons such as guns, knives, pangas… to the venue,” he warned, adding that weapons will be confiscated at the gate.

He also urged the public not to leave any valuables in their vehicles as these could attract criminals.

At the same time Basson warned would-be criminals to be ready to be brought to book.

“We are everywhere in Outapi. Wherever you are, there is a police officer, many of them, not even in uniform. We have enough police officers for the celebrations, some came from neighbouring regions,” he said while assuring the public.

For safety reasons, he did not reveal how many police officers would provide security during the celebrations.

Basson’s sentiments were echoed by the executive director in the Ministry of Information Communication and Technology, Audrin Mathe, who urged the public to leave behind anything endangering the safety of others.

“Security here is provided by the Namibian Police, so the public should not worry,” said Mathe.

The Independence celebrations are taking place amidst a planned protest against unemployment expected to take place on Tuesday.

The planned protest is organised by the Namibia Economic Freedom Fighters.

Source: NAMPA

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