OAGandDOJ Hosts Forum at KICC to Finalize 2023-2027 Strategic Plan

Nairobi – The Office of the Attorney General and Department of Justice (OAGandDOJ) has recently hosted a stakeholder’s forum at the Kenyatta International Convention Centre (KICC) to finalize its 2023-2027 Strategic Plan. This event, aimed at gathering input to refine and enhance the Strategic Plan, marks a significant step towards aligning the office’s goals with the expectations of both its internal and external stakeholders, including the general public.

According to Kenya News Agency, who officially inaugurated the forum, the OAGandDOJ is committed to playing a pivotal role in supporting government entities under the Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA). In his address, Mose emphasized that the OAGandDOJ’s mandate includes the revision and drafting of laws related to BETA priorities. The forum was a critical platform for discussing how the office can better serve these roles.

Highlighting the Strategic Plan’s focus areas, the Solicitor General outlined four key result areas that are essential for measuring the performance and impact of the OAGandDOJ. These areas are Legal Services; Governance, Legal Training and Constitutional Affairs; Leadership and Integrity; and General Administration, Planning, and Operations. In addition to these, the office has also identified ten other strategic objectives, complete with specific strategies and activities to be implemented within the plan’s timeframe.

The validation forum saw active participation from various stakeholders, including representatives from Ministries, Departments, and Agencies (MDAs), Civil Society Organizations, and Heads of Departments from the OAGandDOJ. This diverse participation underscores the collaborative approach the OAGandDOJ is adopting in shaping its strategic direction.

Stakeholders have been given until the 28th of February, 2024, to submit their contributions. These inputs are crucial for the finalization of the Strategic Plan, which is set to be officially launched post-validation. The comprehensive involvement of different entities in this process reflects the OAGandDOJ’s commitment to inclusivity and transparency in its strategic planning.

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