Nyanza Leaders Urged to Unite for Regional Economic Development

NYANZA – In a call for collaborative effort, Cabinet Secretaries Eliud Owalo and Kipchumba Murkomen have emphasized the importance of unity among leaders in Nyanza for the achievement of economic growth in the region.

According to Kenya News Agency, their statements made during the burial of the Kenya Airport’s Authority (KAA) Acting Managing Director Henry Ogoye’s mother at Macalder Kanyaruanda Ward, the region’s potential in agriculture and the blue economy could significantly benefit the local community if properly harnessed.

Mr. Owalo, the Cabinet Secretary for Information, Communication and the Digital Economy, highlighted the government’s efforts in settling debts owed by sugarcane farmers and reviving the sugar industry for enhanced productivity. He also pointed to initiatives aimed at establishing proper landing sites in Lake Victoria to bolster the fishing industry by facilitating better transport, processing, and market linkage for fish products.

His counterpart, Kipchumba Murkomen, Cabinet Secretary for Roads, Transport and Public Works, stressed that unity was crucial for maximizing the economic potential at both county and national levels. Murkomen acknowledged ongoing government projects aimed at upgrading airport and airstrip infrastructure to first-class standards, thereby improving air transport within the region. He also mentioned a forthcoming policy proposal to establish an Airstrip Fund, aiming to ensure every county has accessible air transport facilities.

Interior and National Administration Principal Secretary Dr. Raymond Omolo, who was present with the Cabinet Secretaries, called for the maintenance of peace and unity, essential for the country’s socio-economic transformation. He reminded that all ministries are committed to informing the public about government initiatives to promote economic growth.

Migori Governor Dr. Ochilo Ayacko, addressing the national government representatives at the event, urged for consistent engagement between the national and county governments to enhance cooperative efforts for national economic growth. Governor Ayacko specifically requested assistance in developing better road networks to facilitate easier access to local markets for the fishing communities in Muhuru and Sori bays, highlighting the importance of such infrastructure in achieving economic benefits for the residents.

The call for unity and collaborative development efforts in Nyanza reflects a broad consensus on the critical role of cohesive leadership in leveraging the region’s resources for sustainable economic advancement.

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