NPC set for SASAPD withdrawal amid funding struggles

The Namibia Paralympic Committee (NPC) has been asked to withdraw its team from the upcoming Toyota SASAPD championships by its prime benefactor the Ministry of Sport, Youth and National Service.

The annual South African Sports Association for Physically Disabled (SASAPD) National Championships brings together athletes from nine South African Provinces and other Southern African countries to compete in various categories.

The 2023 edition of the championships is scheduled for Cape Town, South Africa from 17 to 23 March 2023, where Team Namibia had plans of competing in Para-Athletics, Para-Powerlifting, Boccia, Para-Cycling and Goalball.

In an interview with Nampa on Tuesday, NPC Secretary General, Michael Hamukwaya, said the NPC has set up a pathway to follow if they are to have enough slots for the upcoming 2024 Paris Paralympic Games.

“We aim to develop para sports in Namibia and since the start of the year, we have missed the Dubai and Morocco Grand Prix, where our athletes are supposed to improve their times as well as ranking,” he said.

The secretary-general further added that competing at the SASAPD is cheaper for them, so they always plan on taking a bigger team to assess these athletes and give the new athletes exposure to their international competitions.

“The ministry informed us they don’t have money and we are now not sure what to do next as our main sponsor NamPower cannot release funds at the moment because their financial year is only ending in June and we had used up the 2022 budget when we travelled to Morocco for a Grand Prix for athletes ranking and classification,” he said.

Meanwhile, Director of Sport in the Ministry of Sport, Youth and National Service, Jo-Ann Manuel, told this agency on Wednesday that the directorate currently doesn’t have funds and all they can offer is transport and a fuel card.

“I have in the past told the NPC that we should work together in planning their events. The ministry’s budget was used up for the Region Five Games in December 2022 and we have nothing. We can’t even afford to pay the bus drivers’ daily subsistence allowance,” Manuel said.

She added that the NPC needs to grow in the field and the boardroom by bringing in new sponsors.

“The sponsorship that the NPC is having was brought in by the former board members over eight years ago. So, it’s time that the NPC goes out there and look for sponsorships instead of just being in their comfort zone, while waiting for NamPower and government,” she said.

Source: The Namibian Press Agency

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