Nouna’s Eid El Kebir Celebrations: Prayers Focus on Peace and Unity

NOUNA — During the Tabaski festival on Sunday, June 16, 2024, Imam Gaoussou Dao led the Muslim community in Nouna in prayer, specifically seeking the return of peace to the area and divine protection for the nation’s security forces. The ceremony saw participation from a diverse group of community members, including administrative, customary, and religious authorities, as well as representatives from Christian and Protestant communities.

According to Burkina Information Agency, Imam Dao’s prayers were centered on the welfare of the Defense and Security Forces (FDS) and the Volunteers for the Defense of the Fatherland (VDP), both of which are actively engaged in maintaining national security. He also prayed earnestly for the safe return of displaced populations to their homes. The event was marked by a spirit of unity, with the Christian and traditional communities joining their Muslim counterparts in a demonstration of interfaith solidarity, emphasizing the collective desire for peace and coexistence.

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