Nouna Hosts Mini Fair of Agro-Sylvo-Pastoral Products Organized by Women’s Union

Nouna – On Sunday, November 5, 2023, the Women’s Union for the Development of Kossi, in collaboration with Mercy Corps and the United Nations Peacebuilding Fund (UNPBF), hosted a mini fair featuring agro-sylvo-pastoral products in Nouna. The event also included a cultural celebration.

According to Burkina Information Agency, The exhibition showcased the significant role of women in Kossi in contributing to the sustainable development of the province. It highlighted the importance of equitable access to land, a crucial factor for achieving social cohesion. The event underscored the notion that without access to natural resources, women’s autonomy remains limited.

The ceremony was graced by the presence of the High Commissioner of the Kossi province, Dô Jacques Abel Sanou, and the president of the special delegation from the commune of Nouna, Souleymane Tiono. Their attendance added significance to the occasion, emphasizing the support of local authorities for such initiatives.

In addition to the exhibition, the event featured a cultural segment where women from the Union performed local dance steps. This cultural expression served as a token of gratitude towards Mercy Corps and the UNPBF for their continued support.

The mini fair not only highlighted the agricultural, forestry, and pastoral contributions of women in Kossi but also celebrated their cultural heritage, thereby bridging economic development with local traditions.

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