Northern Mozambique: Response overview – January 2023

Response highlights in 2022

• Provided 15 000 households (75 500 people), including 2 200 internally displaced person (IDP) and host community households (11 000 people), with winter season agricultural kits (seeds and tools) for vegetable production in all nine districts of Cabo Delgado and three districts of Nampula province.

• Undertaken a rapid agricultural inputs market study (March 2022) to map out and assess agricultural input dealers’ inventory, geographical coverage and capacity to serve farmers in northern Mozambique.

• Trained agrodealers and agricultural input suppliers in Cabo Delgado and Nampula on the United Nations Global Marketplace to empower them and ensure their active participation in the United Nations tendering process. This resulted in the increased participation and qualification of locally based agrodealers and agricultural input suppliers in FAO tenders.

• Engaged a total of 126 IDP and host community lead farmers in training of trainers sessions on good agricultural practices in Cabo Delgado and Nampula.

• Trained 30 women in intensive food production, after establishing a demonstration plot, through the application of conservation agriculture in collaboration with the nuns in the Chuiba community in Pemba. All 30 women received agricultural livelihood kits and planted their home gardens with beans and vegetables, which also benefited their households (150 people).

• Supported the Government of Mozambique through the Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Fisheries to undertake a comprehensive assessment on the impact of the ongoing crisis on the fisheries sector in Cabo Delgado. The measures proposed will increase the resilience of fishers and the population at large in Cabo Delgado through economic development and improved food security and nutrition.

• Continued to strengthen the capacities of government institutions, as well as support government technical officers to facilitate and enhance their capacity to provide extension services to smallholder farmers.

• Supported the Institute for Disaster Risk Management’s (INGD) community management committees to facilitate small stock income-generating activities. This has provided a foundation to nurture possibilities of localized, sustainable and durable livelihood solutions.

• Provided four INGD community management committees in four districts of Cabo Delgado with 50 goats. In addition, 252 households received poultry as a sustainable source of protein and income for their families.

• Vaccinated a total of 1 200 dogs to combat a suspected rabies case in Cabo Delgado, thanks to a joint One Health collaboration with FAO, the World Health Organization and the provincial government.

Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

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