North West Treasury appoints 12 Audit Committee members

North West Provincial Audit Committee members inducted

The North West Provincial Treasury has appointed 12 Provincial Audit Committee members. This is after the term of the previous Committee had expired end of August 2021. When welcoming the new Committee, MEC Motlalepula Rosho emphasized the need for clean, accountable governance and the role that the Audit Committee plays in this regard.

An Audit Committee requires sound knowledge and relevant experience in any of the areas of finance, economic, legal, accounting, internal/external auditing, risk management, internal control and ICT systems.

MEC Rosho indicated that the appointed Committee is balanced and reflective of this requirement and that each appointed member brings value adding skillset in particular area of expertise.

The MEC said that she hopes the new Committee will do its best to provide the required oversight of provincial departments in order contribute to good governance and service delivery. “We must not take for granted the importance of compliance in changing the lives of ordinary citizens”, Rosho said.

The Audit Committee discharges its responsibilities in terms of the Audit Committee Charter setting out the authority, purpose, responsibility and formal terms of reference and will meet at least four times a year. Amongst other criteria for the Audit Committee, Treasury Regulation 3.1.10 requires that the audit committee must amongst others review the effectiveness of internal control systems, the effectiveness of internal audit function, and the adequacy, reliability and accuracy of the financial information provided to management and other users of such information.

MEC Rosho also commended the previous Audit Committee and indicated that they did a sterling job in under tough situations. “The Committee served the Province at a time when the province was placed under Section 100 of the Constitution but they still managed to do their best” she concluded.

Source: Government of South Africa

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