North West Legislature on Social Development HOD qualifications


North West Legislature Health and Social Development Committee refuses to process an APP signed by Social Development Department HOD who allegedly lacks qualifications
The North West Legislature’s Portfolio Committee on Health and Social Development led by Hon Gavin Edwards, expressed disappointed that outstanding matters relating to the questionable appointment of the current Head of Department (HOD) for the Department of Social Development, Mr Relebohile Mafokane have yet to be addressed. This follows media articles written about Mr Mafokane’s alleged lack of qualifications and several interactions the Committee had with the Department trying to resolve the matter.
The Portfolio Committee decided to return the Department of Social Development without processing the 2021/22 Annual Performance Plan. The decision was taken based on the uneasiness of members of the Portfolio Committee to hear and deliberate on a report signed off by an HOD who’s appointment is currently is still in question.
The committee stated that there is written communication between the Portfolio Committee, the MEC, and the Premier which last received attention in June 2022.
“It has become clear that this matter has been outstanding as far back as June 2022. The matter of the legality of the HOD’s appointment has been raised by the committee during previous committee meetings and more recently in media reports,
“The lack of progress on the matter poses serious possible financial risks to tax payers funds and therefore we will not continue to deal with the HOD until the matter is resolved,” said Hon. Edwards,
The Committee resolved to hand over this matter to the relevant Portfolio Committee overseeing the Office of the Premier, in ensuring that the Legislature carries out its mandate of oversight over the Department. The Portfolio Committee further invited the HOD to provide his version of events before the Portfolio Committee.
“We hope that the truth will finally come to the fore and if proven to be correct, all those involved from the accused to those who appointed him and those involved in this matter, who failed to do due diligence will be dealt with appropriately,” said Hon Edwards.

Source: Government of South Africa


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