North West Legislature on investigations of irregular and improper appointment


North West Legislature Cooperative Governance Committee Resolves to Engage Law Enforcement Agencies on Appointment of Social Development HOD
The North West Provincial Legislature’s Portfolio Committee on Premier, Finance, Corporative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affair chaired by Hon. Aaron Motswana has resolved to engage the Special Investigations Unit and other law enforcement agencies to investigate the allegations of irregular and improper appointment of the Head of Department of Social Development, Mr. Relebohile Mafokane. This follows an oversight meeting together with the Portfolio Committee on Health and Social Development where the matter was discussed with the Office of the Premier and Department of Social Development.
Hon. Motswana stated that the Portfolio Committee notes the speculations and uncertainty on the qualifications of the H.O.D of the Social Development department as the matter is very serious and concerning. “Law enforcement agencies should investigate this irregular appointment. Premier Kaobitsa Maape who is responsible for appointment of Heads of Departments should also account on the matter. If the appointment of a Head of a particular department is questionable at the highest level, Premier is the only rightful person to clarify the public on the issue.
“It is also disturbing that there has been a slow pace on how the Executive Council is handling this matter which is concerning since Mr. Mafokane holds a very senior position which could compromise the finances and human resource and service delivery components of the concerned department,” said Hon. Motswana.
He also said the Committee requested Premier Maape to address the matter with serious intentions and enforce corrective measures. “We should avoid unnecessary litigation similar to the issue of former HOD of Department of Health. Government cannot afford to ignore precedence set by our judiciary and the Premier being the head of provincial government is failing to take appropriate steps to prevent irregular and wasteful expenditure due to possible misrepresentation,” said Hon. Motswana.
Hon. Motswana also said Premier Maape must be seen as a leading example on combating all forms of corruption and fraud within the provincial government.

Source: Government of South Africa


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