North West Legislature meets Provincial Treasury and Office of the Premier over 2022/23 Annual Performance plans and Budgets, 12 May


North West Legislature Committee on Cooperative Governance to meet Provincial Treasury and Office of the Premier over 2022/23 Annual Performance plans and Budgets

The North West Provincial Legislature’s Portfolio Committee on Premier, Finance, Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs will hold a meeting with the Department of Finance, and Office of the Premier over their 2022/23 Annual Performance Plans and Budgets.

The meeting is scheduled as follows:

Date: Thursday, 12 May 2022

Time: Department of Finance: 10h00

Office of the Premier: 11h00

Venue: NWPL Conference Room

MEC for the Department of Finance, Motlalepula Rosho and Premier Bushy Maape together with senior management of both departments will be present at the meeting.

The meeting will be live streamed on the North West Provincial Legislature Facebook page.

Members of the Media who would like to attend the meeting can contact Ms. Namhla Luhabe on 079 527 0628.

Source: Government of South Africa


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