North West Health update on continuation of hospital services following closure of Thusong District Hospital


Updated status on continuation of hospital services following closure of Thusong District Hospital

The North West Department of Health wish to take this opportunity to update members of the public about the status of continuation of hospital services following the process of decommissioning Thusong District Hospital. As it has been reported, the decommissioning is as a result of a dolomite soil conditions that has caused cracks that are beyond repair on the walls of the facility.

The Department wish to correct an erroneous statement that suggested that Thusong gateway clinic will be replaced by a mobile clinic service while giving the impression that there are still some services (Out Patient Department and Casualty units) still operational at Thusong. That is not the case as the true picture and status is that the facility is completely closed and all hospital services are now rendered at Itsoseng Community Health Center (CHC) and General Delarey Hospital.

The Department can also confirm that an application has already been made for gazetting of Itsoseng CHC as a hospital and it is still pending from the National Department of Health. However, constant follow-ups are ongoing. An approval to delist Thusong Hospital as an organisational unit has also been received which proves that the approving authorities understands the severity of the conditions.
MEC Madoda Sambatha will continue to engage all stakeholders including the community leadership like traditional leaders, councillors, other political leadership and labour. For example, consultations for identification of a site for Thusong Gateway Clinic are in process.

Meanwhile, North West Health MEC Madoda Sambatha is assuring the community of Ditsobotla that continuation of hospital services for all the communities who were accessing services at Thusong District Hospital and those who were accessing primary health care services at Itsoseng CHC will be sustained. Already, this is evidenced by the fact that the level 2 medicines are shared between Itsoseng CHC and General Delarey Hospital where the equipment is transported between the two facilities and delivery takes place twice a week while patients are referred to General De La Rey for Xrays.

“We have also agreed with the community and the leadership on renovation of Itsoseng Poly Clinic to ensure access to primary health care services. The Department is at the same time moving with speed to ensure upgrading of Itsoseng CHC into a District Hospital to ensure access to preventive and curative Health services for the people of Ditsobotla and to communities in and around Itsoseng Township”, said MEC Madoda Sambatha.

To this effect, consultants have already been appointed by the Department for upgrading and extension of both hospitals. To date the design documents are completed and have been submitted to the Head of Department for approval.

The Department has also noted a concern about access to water at Itsoseng and is intervening on the challenge. Two water tankers have been installed and filled with water as a contingency plan. However, plans are underway for a long term solution that will see a change to the entire water reticulation system and replace old pipes with new ones and fitting a water softener system, the design is complete, and this bid is on hold and will run concurrently with the upgrade project.

Source: Government of South Africa


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