“Noah’s Ark”, the first orphanage in Leraba opens its doors


Noah’s Ark”, the first orphanage in the province of Léraba, with a capacity of 100 children, opened its doors on June 16, 2023 not far from Sindou, found the AIB.

Placed under the patronage of the high commissioner of the province of Léraba, Mahamadi Congo, represented by the secretary general of the province (SGP), Yéonviel Somé, the technical launch of the activities of the orphanage ”L’arche de Noé’ ‘, took place on June 16, 2023.

With a capacity to welcome and care for 100 children in boarding school without distinction of race, sex, ethnicity, religion and or social origin, the orphanage is located not far from the town of Sindou on the Sindou-Konadougou axis.

It was in favor of the celebration of the day of the African child that the Provincial Directorate in charge of Social Action (DPCAS) of Leraba chose for the technical launch of the activities of this reception center for children in distress (CAED), work of the association “Le bon Samaritain”.

The CAED is a mixed structure that brings together nurseries and homes for children in distress, aged 3 to 18 years.

They can be taken care of in a boarding school every day of the year for the final objective of adoption or return to their family of origin, said the DPCAS, Ousmane Ouédraogo.

Until then, the province of Léraba had only three approved host families: one in the rural commune of Niankorodougou, one in that of Douna and another in Sindou, capital of the province of Léraba to help social action services in the care and protection of children.

It should be noted that the promoter of this center is the lady of the approved Sindou foster family, Gnissira Traoré, wife Bado.

According to Ms. Bado, it is a childhood dream that has just been realized, thanks to the help of the DPCAS of Léraba and a German individual.

While inviting the president of the center, to respect the decree relating to the specifications applicable to the founders of the reception centers for children in distress, Ousmane Ouédraogo and Yéonviel Somé, expressed their satisfaction and sent congratulations to the promoter.

On behalf of the supervising ministry, they ensured support from the DPCAS to the centre.

Source: Burkina Information Agency