NIPDB hails UNGA investment promotion activities


The Namibia Investment Promotion and Development Board (NIPDB) said it successfully conducted a series of investment promotion activities on the sidelines of the recently concluded United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) that ended on Tuesday.

NIPDB Spokesperson, Catherine Shipushu, in a press statement issued on Tuesday said that the board kicked off its US mission with curated panel discussions, with particular emphasis on the renewable energy and education sectors.

Nampower Managing Director, Kahenge Haulofu and NIPDB CEO, Nangula Uaandja, participated in a discussion themed ‘Investment and Growth Opportunities in Renewable Energy Resources”. The discussion, according to Shipushu, provided insight into the Government’s efforts to enhance private sector participation in the renewable energy industry through interventions such as the National Integrated Resource Plan.

‘Namibia’s anchor event ‘Invest in Namibia’ was co-hosted in partnership with Rand Merchant Bank in Namibia, the corporate and investmen
t banking division of FirstRand Namibia Group. During this session, public and private sector leaders engaged potential investors and shared information about Namibia’s investment environment and opportunities available in the priority areas of oil and gas, green hydrogen and mining,’ Shipushu said.

Minister of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform, Calle Schlettwein, Minister of Education, Arts and Culture, Anna Nghipondoka and the Minister of Higher Education, Training and Innovation, Itah Kandjii-Murangi also attended Namibia’s investment discussion.

‘The education ministries in particular took up the mantle to stimulate strategic collaborations to support the Government’s efforts to build a strong education foundation and other future skills development initiatives to ensure the country’s readiness for the digital age and green jobs,’ Shipushu noted.

Source: Namibia Press Agency