NGOs in Kajiado Empower Women for Climate-Smart Agriculture and Gender Equality

Kajiado – Two non-governmental organizations, the Arid Lands Information Network (ALIN) and the Africa Centre for Sustainable and Inclusive Development (AFRICA CSID), have initiated a program to train women in Kajiado County on climate-smart agriculture and address gender disparities in the agricultural sector. This information comes from the Kenya News Agency, which reported on the NGOs’ activities in the region.

Ms. Leah Wandera, ALIN’s agricultural officer, disclosed that the organization had facilitated three women groups in Kajiado with resources such as drip irrigation equipment, water storage, and farm inputs since their arrival in March 2023. The targeted groups are Naanyu Dupoto in Kajiado East, Kokosho Keekonyokie in Kajiado West, and Olkiroriti in Kajiado Central.

Wandera stated that ALIN’s goal is to close the gap in climate-smart agriculture among women and youths. They have trained the women on the installation of drip irrigation systems, planting, plant care, and harvesting. Wandera mentioned that two of the women groups have already realized profits from their first harvests, with Olkiroriti Women Group selling onions to finance their watermelon planting, and Kokosho Keekonyokie Women Group harvesting cow peas and yellow beans.

During a two-day training event organized by ALIN and AFRICA CSID, the women also learned about gender-responsive financing and gender mainstreaming in agriculture from AFRICA CSID’s Executive Director, Ms. Salome Owuonda. Owuonda emphasized the need for equitable disbursement of agricultural funding among women, youths, and men to create climate-resilient communities.

Owuonda also addressed the women’s challenges, such as difficulty in land acquisition and limited information about gender roles in agriculture. She vowed to continue the training and awareness programs to address these issues.

Jane Ranketi, the Vice Chairlady of Naanyu Dupoto Women Group, shared her group’s evolution from a savings initiative to successful farming after their training and resources from ALIN. Beatrice Kerubo, Chairlady of Sachuva Women Group in Kitengela, testified that interacting with ALIN-benefitted groups has significantly helped her farming efforts and led her to embrace kitchen gardening.

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