New British High Commissioner Aims for Closer UK-Seychelles Partnership in Environmental Protection

VICTORIA, SEYCHELLES: Jeffrey Frank Glekin, the newly accredited British High Commissioner to Seychelles, has stated that he wants the United Kingdom to become the island nation’s closest partner, with a particular focus on environmental protection.

According to Seychelles News Agency, Glekin emphasized the need for good governance and the modernization of the civil service. He also identified shared democratic values, cultural exchanges, and focus on youth and education as additional areas for bilateral cooperation.

This mission marks Glekin’s first role as a high commissioner, after serving as the British ambassador to Bolivia. “Being a high commissioner means you’re in a fellow Commonwealth nation,” he noted. Glekin stated that throughout his diplomatic career, he has focused on issues related to the environment and climate change, which he regards as the most pressing challenges of our time.

In his previous roles, Glekin worked on fighting deforestation and supporting sustainable development, skills that he intends to bring to his new role in Seychelles. He noted the common values shared by the UK and Seychelles, stating, “We are both island nations, and we have a deep connection to the sea and the oceans that surround us.” He emphasized the mutual responsibility both nations carry in protecting maritime security and addressing environmental challenges.

Bilateral relations between the UK and Seychelles date back to 1903 when Seychelles became a crown colony separate from Mauritius. The island nation gained its independence in 1976. Glekin takes over from the former British High Commissioner to Seychelles, Patrick Lynch, who concluded his term earlier this month.

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