National Day of Egypt: The 71st anniversary celebrated in Burkina

The Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt in Burkina Faso celebrated the 71st anniversary of the July 1952 Revolution, on the evening of Monday, July 24, 2023, in Ouagadougou.

The Egyptian people celebrate each year, in the month of July, the Revolution of 1952 with regard to its symbolism in the historic march of the Arab Republic of Egypt. To respect this tradition, the Egyptian community living in the land of Upright Men has not departed from the rule this year.

The Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Ibrahim Elkhouli, organized on the evening of Monday, July 24, 2023, in Ouagadougou, a reception to celebrate this event marking the 71st anniversary of this Revolution.

This ceremony took place in the presence of an audience of guests including the Minister Delegate, in charge of Regional Cooperation, Karamoko Jean Marie Traoré and diplomats from other accredited countries stationed in Burkina Faso.

For the Egyptian diplomat, Ibrahim Elkhouli, the July 1952 Revolution inspired all movements of liberation, emancipation and independence throughout the African continent and throughout the Arab world.

He indicated that this “glorious” revolution which broke out against foreign domination and colonization, led to the independence of the country. And, the new republic proclaimed, he noted, puts at the center of its actions, social protection and many other initiatives for the benefit of its population.

The resilience of the Burkinabè people hailed

Land of welcome, argued the Egyptian diplomat, his country receives millions of immigrants including about 12 million Africans. “Egypt never ceases to amaze with its progress, its civilization and its leadership throughout the world,” said Ibrahim Elkhouli.

He affirmed that the bilateral cooperation between his country and Burkina Faso is in good shape, with a still prosperous tomorrow.

In the field of training, for example, he pointed out that many students and executives in the country have already benefited from training in several areas. “Egypt is stepping up its sincere efforts to support Burkina,” he said.

On the national situation, marked by terrorism, the Egyptian ambassador recognized the efforts of the authorities of the Transition to fight the scourge, adding that he hoped that the country would come out of this situation.

The Minister Delegate, in charge of Regional Cooperation, Karamoko Jean Marie Traoré hailed on behalf of the Minister in charge of Foreign Affairs, the excellent cooperation relations between Egypt and Burkina Faso. He expressed the solidarity of the people of Burkina Faso with the brotherly people of Egypt, on the occasion of this feast of the revolution.

He also praised the Egyptian Ambassador, Ibrahim Elkhouli, for his tributes paid to the people of Burkina Faso in these difficult times and especially for their resilience in the context of the fight against terrorism.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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