Narok County Advocates for Enhanced Tree Growing Efforts

NAROK—Daniel Mukung’, the Narok Forest Conservator, has emphasized the importance of not just planting trees but ensuring their growth and survival. During a recent statement, Mukung’ highlighted that Narok County has made significant strides in tree planting efforts, with over six million trees planted, achieving 14 percent of the ambitious 15 billion tree planting initiative launched by the President.

According to Kenya News Agency, the distinction between tree planting and tree growing is crucial, with the latter involving a series of steps to ensure trees can sustain themselves independently. He challenged Narok residents to dedicate more effort to the care of planted seedlings, stating that neglecting this responsibility renders the planting efforts futile.

The conservator outlined the county’s goal to plant 45 million trees annually over a decade, translating to 450 million trees. Much of this effort is concentrated in the Mau Forest, where, following evictions, over 20,000 hectares have been designated for reforestation. Thirty-nine blocks within the forest, each measuring 100 hectares, have been adopted by various organizations for tree planting.

Mukung’ stressed the importance of selecting seedlings that are suited to the local climate to ensure their survival and growth. He advocated for the use of locally produced seedlings, highlighting the dual benefit of enhancing seedling survival rates and supporting the livelihoods of local seedling producers.

“We urge all partners in the tree planting campaign across the county to focus on using locally produced seedlings, so as to increase the chances of survival of the seedlings and uplift the livelihoods of those that survive by selling the seedlings,” Mukung’ stated.

The conservator also noted the positive impacts of the tree planting efforts in Narok County, including increased water levels in local rivers such as the Maasai Mara River and the Ewaso Nyiro River, attributing these environmental benefits to the extensive tree planting campaigns.

Mukung’ commended the county government, under the leadership of Governor Patrick Ntutu, for spearheading the tree planting initiatives across Narok. He also acknowledged the significant contributions of Non-Governmental Organizations, particularly the Eden Restoration Project, for their extensive tree planting efforts, especially in the Maasai Mau Forest and other forested areas like Olpisimoru.

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