Namibia’s Vice President Calls for Collaboration in Economic Independence Efforts

LÜDERITZ, Namibia — Vice President Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah emphasized the need for collaboration among all stakeholders to achieve economic independence in Namibia. She highlighted this vision while speaking at the 17th annual Crayfish Festival in Lüderitz.

According to Namibia Press Agency, as Namibia embarks on a new phase focused on economic independence, the nation must adopt a visionary and committed approach to foster a prosperous future. She underscored the importance of inclusive growth, sustainable development, and shared prosperity during her address on Friday. Nandi-Ndaitwah called on Namibians to take proactive steps towards crafting a future that offers opportunities and security for all citizens.

The Vice President also stressed the importance of prioritizing education and skills development to enhance Namibia’s human capital, which is crucial for unlocking the country’s potential. She pointed out the necessity of developing strong cooperation between the public and private sectors to attract and retain investments and to motivate young entrepreneurs and innovators.

Furthermore, Nandi-Ndaitwah noted the need for comprehensive strategic planning at local, regional, and national levels to adapt to changing economic circumstances and to ensure efficient and effective service delivery to citizens. She affirmed that meaningful development should be driven locally, with the central government ready to support the realization of citizens’ aspirations.

Highlighting Lüderitz’s promising future, the Vice President encouraged the local community to seize the opportunities presented by upcoming developments in the historical town.