Namibia’s Tourism Ministry Commits to Overhaul of Etosha National Park Infrastructure


OKAUKUEJO, ETOSHA NATIONAL PARK – The Ministry of Environment, Forestry, and Tourism announced a significant commitment to upgrade the aging infrastructure of Etosha National Park, in honor of its approaching 115th anniversary.

According to Namibia Press Agency, who spoke during a ceremony at Okaukuejo within Etosha, the ministry has launched an initiative aimed at restoring the park’s former grandeur. This includes the deployment of a newly acquired grader for maintaining over 400 kilometers of gravel roads throughout the park, which will also be used to clear cutlines to help control veld fires.

Nghitila detailed that nearly N.dollars 50 million has been allocated this fiscal year for extensive renovations including the upgrade of the three main entrance gates, ablution facilities, and additional infrastructure in the Hardap Region. The effort is aimed at enhancing the overall visitor experience to the park, known for its rich wildlife and scenic landscapes.

Further underscoring the park’s infrastructure challenges, the control technical works inspector at Etosha, Silver Kazombungo, mentioned that although the park now possesses 10 graders, only the newly purchased one is operational, with the rest, dating back to the 1970s, now defunct. The operational grader is expected to significantly improve the condition of park roads, removing potholes and thus enhancing the game drive experience for both local and international tourists.