Namibia to learn more from digital experts: Mushelenga

Namibia’s participation in the Mobile World Congress (MWC) will enable it to learn from the experiences of other technologically advanced countries and how to deal with challenges faced by operators.

Minister of Information, Communication and Technology, Peya Mushelenga on the sidelines of the congress taking place in Barcelona said topics such as digital transformation, urbanisation and 5G technology, among others are all of interest to Namibia.

“Everything is moving towards digitalisation, particularly in a post-Covid-19 environment and the different topics being discussed at the world’s biggest connectivity ecosystems conference are all areas that Namibia is positioning itself to face in the wake of evolving technologies,” he said.

Mushelenga further dispelled myths around 5G technology, saying the ministry will go ahead with its implementation.

“There have been myths around the Covid-19 vaccination and we went ahead with that. We do not believe in myths, we believe in scientific technology and we therefore will go ahead with this one too,” he expressed.


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