Namibia and South Africa Sign MoU for Green Hydrogen Corridor at World Hydrogen Summit

CAPE TOWN — Namibia and South Africa have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to assess the feasibility of establishing a pioneering green hydrogen corridor, marking a significant step towards a sustainable energy future in southern Africa.

According to Namibia Press Agency, the agreement was signed during the World Hydrogen Summit in May 2024 and includes collaboration between major stakeholders such as the Western Cape Tourism, Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Wesgro), the Northern Cape Economic Development, Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (NCEDA), the Namibia Green Hydrogen Programme (NGH2P), Gasunie Waterstof Holding B.V., and Climate Fund Managers (CFM) NL B.V. The MoU officially took effect following a kick-off meeting on July 9, 2024, in Cape Town.

The project aims to construct a cross-border hydrogen pipeline that could transform the energy landscape of southern Africa. With a budget of N.dollars 4.9 billion (approximately Euro 250,000), the study will investigate various critical aspects of the pipeline project, including technological, commercial, financial, legal, environmental, socioeconomic, and operational factors. “The study will guarantee compliance with ESG (environmental, social, and governance) requirements, and aims to foster a shared vision of a sustainable and interconnected energy future by combining the expertise of all involved parties,” Alweendo explained.

The initial phase of the pipeline will connect Lüderitz in Namibia with the Northern Cape in South Africa, setting the foundation for potential future expansions to the Western Cape of South Africa and the Erongo Region in Namibia. These areas are recognized as burgeoning hubs for green hydrogen projects. “If successful, this pipeline could be the first intra-country hydrogen backbone in Africa, cementing the way for the trade of more complex products in southern Africa. This is a key step we are taking as we look to unleash the full potential of the Africa Continental Free Trade Area and realize the ideals of Agenda 2063; the Africa We Want,” Alweendo stated.

Green Hydrogen Commissioner James Mnyupe remarked on the transformative potential of the project, noting that it holds promise not only for advancing green hydrogen technology but also for contributing significantly to the sustainable development and industrialization of the region. “The successful realization of this pipeline will mark a pivotal milestone in Africa’s journey towards a green and prosperous future,” he said.

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