Nametenga: Exchanges on a three-year transhumance action plan

The members of the Provincial Transhumance Committee (COPT) of Namentenga discussed on Monday June 19, 2023, during their 1st session, on the state of transhumance for the development of a plan of three-year actions meeting the expectations of livestock stakeholders, in a difficult security context.

Cattle passage corridors, protected forests, difficulties in acquiring the National Transhumance Certificate (CNT) or the International Transhumance Certificate (CIT) were, among other things, the problems mentioned at regional and provincial level by the actors. of the field of animal husbandry.

To do this, the participants discussed the ins and outs of transhumance for good management of the sector, in order to better meet the expectations of the actors.

They also agreed to draw up a three-year action plan, the preliminary draft of which was entrusted to technicians in the field.

According to the regional director of Animal and Fisheries Resources of the Centre-North, Hamidou Zoungrana, the problems related to transhumance will be discussed with proposed solutions.

The High Commissioner of the province of Namentenga, Adama Conseiga welcomed the holding of this first session, which according to him, gives particular interest to the livestock sector.

Mr. Conseiga also thanked the communicators for the quality of their presentations, the Regional Support Project for Pastoralism in the Sahel (PRAPS) for its financial support.

The head of the province also requested the support of other development partners to facilitate the functioning of the COPT.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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