Namentenga/Education: Excellence Day 2023 celebrated

The High Commissioner of the province of Namentenga, Adama Conseiga, chaired on September 30, 2023 in Boulsa, the ceremony dedicated to the day to magnify the best students, teachers, supervisors, learners and education district basic (CEB), under the theme: ‘Education and social cohesion’.

The ceremony dedicated to this purpose was placed under the presidency of the High Commissioner of the province Conseiga Adama, the sponsorship of the special advisor to the presidency of Faso, Samuel Kalkoumdo and the co-sponsorship of the Director General of SAPAD of Sidnoma Issaka Kaboré .

Congratulating the winners and all the artisans of the good performances of the province, the High Commissioner indicated that the place of Namentenga, leader within the Center-North region in the examination of the Certificate of Primary Studies (CEP ) for two decades, must always be maintained.

Balkissa Bikienga from Zambanga school obtained 145.5/150 in the CEP exam and Steeve Rayann Tiendrébéogo, student from Xavier Laraya
private school 149/150, are the two best students in the province.

Saidou Ouédraogo from sector 2 of the CEB of Tougouri, who recorded a success rate of 100/100 on his 82 candidates presented and Ima Bannaba Françoise Kaboré from the Boulsa ”D” school, also achieved 100/100 with his 71 candidates presented.

For their performances, they each received a tablet and cash prizes.

The prize for the best CEB went to the Head of CEB Boulsa 1, Charles Zongo, who received 5 boxes of reams of paper for having achieved 92.22/100 with his 772 candidates presented.

Special CRS prizes, including computers, were awarded to the best reading-writing teachers.

Three best non-formal education learners and facilitators received in-kind prizes.

Proud of how the day went, Yann Steeve Tiendrébéogo, on behalf of all the winners, thanked everyone who contributed to the day and promised not to disappoint them.

The provincial rate which is 90.23/100 once again places the province of Namentenga in first place in the Center-North

To this end, the president of the ceremony warmly thanked the DPEPPNF, Bernard Wiraogo Ouédraogo and the Education partners.

A special mention was made to Catholic Relief Service (CRS), for its support throughout the school year and those who pitched in for the splendor of the ceremony.

‘Happy new school year 2023-2024 to all,’ he concluded.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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