Nakuru Trains First Cohort of Firemen in Disaster Management


NAKURU, Kenya — In a significant move towards bolstering emergency response capabilities, Nakuru County has graduated its inaugural group of firemen from disaster management training. This initiative, conducted in collaboration with the Kenya Defense Forces (KDF), aims to equip Nakuru with the necessary skills and resources to efficiently handle disasters, including fires, accidents, and floods.

According to Kenya News Agency, County Executive Committee Member for Public Service, Devolution, Citizen Engagement, Disaster Management Humanitarian Assistance, the training covered a wide array of disaster response areas such as fire command systems, emergency medical care, and structural firefighting. Additionally, the program emphasized the development of personal skills like discipline among the firemen.

Osoro highlighted the strategic importance of the training, noting that Nakuru’s position as a transit route on the busy Nairobi-Nakuru-Busia Northern corridor necessitates a robust emergency response mechanism. She stated that the skills acquired by the firemen are crucial for the county’s preparedness to effectively manage emergencies.

Under the leadership of Governor Susan Kihika, Nakuru County has outlined ambitious plans to establish fully equipped fire stations and rescue centers across all 11 sub-counties by 2027, as detailed in the County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP). Osoro urged the newly trained firemen to apply their newfound skills to address various disasters both within and outside the county, assuring that the county government will address issues affecting the officers to enhance their operational efficiency.

The training also included counter-terrorism response and counseling to support the firemen’s mental health and well-being. The cohort of 21 firefighters, drawn from Nakuru City, Molo, and Naivasha Sub-counties, demonstrated their readiness and capability through a coordinated fire drill.

This graduation marks a pivotal step in Nakuru County’s efforts to advance its disaster response capabilities, with Governor Susan Kihika’s administration committed to acquiring more modern equipment and expanding emergency services across the region.