Nakuru City Officials and Sports Agencies Inspect Afraha Stadium Refurbishment

Nakuru — In a collaborative effort aimed at bolstering sporting facilities in the Rift Valley region, engineers from Sports Kenya and Athletics Kenya (AK) teamed up with the Nakuru City Management to inspect ongoing refurbishment work at Afraha Stadium.

According to Kenya News Agency, the inspection focused on ensuring that the stadium’s structural integrity and overall quality adhere to the highest standards, with an eye toward athlete and spectator safety.

The team paid particular attention to structural reliability and the provision of top-tier facilities aimed at improving sporting performance and inspiring future generations. Thabanja stated that the current work involves leveling the pitch, spreading marram on the track, casting internal drainage, and building the perimeter wall, as the stadium prepares for its anticipated reopening with a capacity of 20,000 spectators.

The City Manager also reaffirmed Governor Susan Kihika’s commitment to the promotion of sports and physical fitness within the county, particularly in supporting emerging talents. The team from Athletics Kenya expressed satisfaction with the current progress of the stadium’s refurbishment.

The upgrade comes at a time when the East African Region is showing interest in hosting future FIFA World Cup events. Thabanja noted that sports are becoming an increasingly vital aspect of people’s lives, offering a variety of income-generating activities that can rival white-collar jobs in terms of financial comfort.

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