Nahouri / War effort: Customaries and religious offer more than two million CFA francs and food

The customary and religious authorities of the province of Nahouri organized a silent march on Monday, followed by a handover of the sum of 2 million 51 thousand 800 FCFA, food, and effects of clothing for FDS, VDP and PDI.

Initiated by His Majesty the Pô-Pê, this march aims to support the defense and security forces, the volunteers for the defense of the homeland.

Leaving from Nemaro de Pô square, the walkers walked through the city’s arteries before meeting at the Pô high commissioner’s office to hand over the donations, consisting of a sum of 2 million 51 thousand 800 FCFA, food, and effects clothing for the FDS, VDP and PDI.

This silent march saw a great mobilization of the living forces of the province led by customary and religious authorities from the five municipalities in the province.

The Namogo Pê, in the name of his majesty the Pô-Pê, hailed the effort provided by the fighting forces on the ground.

“We are committed to supporting our combat forces engaged in the theater of operations with our prayers and blessings, each Burkinabe must make his contribution whatever the nature to support the FDS, VDP and IDPs.

We must be in solidarity with the IDPs because the situation they are living in, they did not want it”, he said.

The provincial authority Auguste Kinda congratulated the customary and religious authorities of the province for this initiative before inviting the populations of Nahouri to work closely with the FDS, to support the VDP and to show solidarity with the internally displaced persons.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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