Nahouri: The Muslim community of Pô prays for a return of peace in Burkina Faso


The Muslim community of Pô organized this March 23, 2023, a prayer and blessings for the Defense and Security Forces (FDS) and the Homeland Defense Volunteers (VDP).

Initiated by the Muslim community of Pô, this day of blessings aims to support the efforts of the transition, the defense and security forces (FDS) and the volunteers for the defense of the homeland (VDP) engaged in the theater of operations.

For the occasion, it was the courtyard of the High Commissioner of Nahouri which served as the framework. For the communication officer of the Muslim community of Nahouri, Yaguibou Moussa, the current situation in Burkina requires that each daughter and son of the country rise up to fight the territory in their own way.

“There are fighting forces on the ground, we will also have to pray at all times and invoke the Almighty so that not a drop of their blood will flow again. We ask each Muslim community in other communes to organize prayer and blessing sessions for the fighting forces on the ground,” he added.

The secretary general of the province of Nahouri, Sanfiénalé Joseph Sirima, welcomed the initiative of the Muslim community of Po.

For Mr. Sirima, it takes a sacred union behind the fighting forces who are fighting night and day to recover the entire territory. He invited religious leaders to preach and educate the faithful so that everyone cultivates living together, love of neighbor. “It is at this price that Burkina will win the war that has been imposed on it,” he said.

He also wished a good month of Lent to all the Muslims of Nahouri. This prayer and blessings brought together the imams of the city of Po.

Source: Burkina Information Agency