Nahouri: The 5th edition of ”Pô vacances football” festival has closed its doors

The first vice-president of the special delegation of Pô, Francis Yaguibou, chaired on Saturday September 9, 2023 in Pô, the closing ceremony of the 5th edition of ”Pô vacances foot”, edition 2023, organized by the Association “The elites of Nahouri”.

It is under the theme “Contribution of sporting activities to the promotion of social values”, that the 5th edition of ”Pô vacances football”, 2023 edition closed its activities this Saturday September 9, 2023 in Pô.

The activity was made possible thanks to the “Les Élites du Nahouri” Association.

“For two months, the 121 campers aged between 5 and 15 years fraternized around several activities,” said the president of the “Nahouri Elites” Association, Mahamoudou Adjawourabou.

According to him, these activities include playing ball, educational talks on living together, insecurity, contagious diseases and eco-citizenship.

The campers’ representative, Rahim Ouéssè Adjihourabou, expressed the satisfaction of all of his comrades with the initiators of this camp.

For him, beyond the desired sporting performances, the camp allowed them to flourish.

Mr. Adjihourabou added that this setting was for them a place of mixing between young children.

The sponsors of the day, the former honorable deputy Bouba Yaguibou and Sékou Ahmed Diarra, technician at Radiotélévision du Burkina, praised the perseverance of the initiators of this camp.

They are committed to supporting such initiatives or actions within the framework of promoting sport and social values.

This 5th edition saw the presence of distinguished guests who came to support the initiative.

The association “The elites of Nahouri” brings together the former football glories of the province.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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