Nahouri Province Reports Encouraging Exam Results Across All Levels

NAHOURI, Burkina Faso – The province of Nahouri in Burkina Faso has reported satisfactory exam results for the end of the 2024 school year.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the success rates for the Baccalauréat (BAC), the Brevet d’Études du Premier Cycle (BEPC), and the Certificat d’Études Primaires (CEP) exams were 63.52%, 48.75%, and 89.09% respectively. These results show a notable improvement compared to the previous year, highlighting significant advancements in educational outcomes in the region.

The BAC results were particularly strong, with a success rate of 63.52%, up from 55.82% in 2023. A total of 1,079 candidates were presented, 758 of whom were admitted, including 407 boys and 351 girls. The highest averages were achieved by students from various high schools, including Poyga Doungassè Alias ??Guy from Tiébélé, Nébié Salimata from Guiaro, and Oudjebou Awèdoba Samuel from the accounting technician high school. The accounting technician high school also celebrated its first BAC G2 promotion with an 87.50% success rate.

In the BEPC, 1,272 out of 2,609 candidates passed, improving the success rate to 48.75% from 37.76% in the previous year. The best performance was recorded by Inabou Hindou from the Pô provincial high school with a score of 17.70/20. The CEP exams saw an even more impressive success rate of 89.09%, a significant increase from 78.62% in 2023. Ange Bénédicte Aouédaga Kaboré from the Pô school achieved the highest average with a score of 9.32/10.

Noélie Yonli/Tasopba, the provincial director in charge of post-primary education, and Noaga Damiba, the director of primary education, credited the strong performance to the concerted efforts of all educational stakeholders throughout the school year. They also encouraged parents and educators to maintain their efforts, which have positioned Nahouri province as a leader in educational performance at the regional level.

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