Nahouri Province Reports 48.75% Success in BEPC 2024 Second Round

Pô, Nahouri Province – In a significant educational outcome, the Nahouri province reported a 48.75% success rate in the second round of the Brevet d’études du premier cycle (BEPC) exams for 2024.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the results were declared on the morning of Saturday, June 15, 2024, across 10 different juries within the province. Out of 2,609 candidates, which included 1,249 girls and 1,182 boys, 609 girls and 663 boys successfully obtained their certificates.

This year’s performance shows a marked improvement over the previous year, with the province’s success rate jumping from 37.76% in 2023 to 48.75%. Among the ten juries, Tiébélé 2 outperformed others with a success rate of 62.16%, followed by jury 5 of Pô at 54.74%, and jury 1 of Tiébélé at 52.50%. Conversely, the Zecco jury recorded the lowest success rate at 36.33%.

Highlighting individual achievements, Inabou Hindou from the Pô provincial high school topped the list with an impressive average of 17.70 out of 20. Closely following were Anedam BR Alphonse and Akondambou Apéwè Prisca with scores of 17.69 and 17.20 respectively.

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