Nahouri/Municipality of Zecco: Forty-eight hours to promote Nankana culture and crafts

The President of the special delegation of Zecco, Etienne Sanglan chaired the second edition of the activities to promote Nankana crafts, on May 26 and 27, 2023 in the locality located in the province of Nahouri, region of Center-south.

The activity is organized by the Union of craftsmen of the municipality of Zecco, to fight against the progressive loss of cultural values.

Placed under the theme “promotion of handicrafts in rural areas in a context of insecurity”, the 2nd edition of activities to promote Nankana culture and handicrafts is intended to be a platform for mobilizing and raising awareness among local populations, in order to fight against the progressive loss of cultural values.

This second edition was sponsored by Colonel Yacouba Ouédraogo, represented by the former President of the Center-South Regional Council, Toubré Nioka, and the Customs official, Sia Kouliga Rodrigue.

According to the president of the craftsmen’s union of the commune of Zecco, Bimata Karfo, it is a question of organizing popular festivities around the Nankana culture in order to promote the woven loincloth and the traditional Nankana attire.

“This activity, beyond its festive aspect, is a framework for strengthening social cohesion between sons and daughters and resident communities in the Nankana area,” she added.

For Ms. Karfo, it is a channel for the promotion of tourism, a contribution to the enhancement and sustainability of our cultural identity.

She outlined some of the difficulties encountered by craftsmen in the area.

These difficulties are, among others, the flow of traditional clothes and woven loincloths to the capital Ouagadougou, the non-recognition at provincial and national level of certificates issued to learners and the lack of financial means for the installation of learners leading to the migration of these to Ghana.

“Added to this is the lack of a training center for craftsmen in their locality,” she concluded.

The president of the special delegation of Zecco, Etienne Sanglan welcomed the initiative and the great mobilization of the populations.

For him, the enthusiasm of the populations around this activity shows the interest they give to culture in general and crafts in particular.

Mr. Sanglan invited the sons and daughters of the commune to accompany the initiative in order to perpetuate this activity which undoubtedly will contribute to the influence of the culture and the Nankana woven loincloth beyond the borders.

The ceremony was attended by the provincial president of trades Kévis Kaba and a strong delegation of customary chiefs from Ghana led by the chief of Sirugou.

These personalities came to support and encourage the craftsmen of the municipality of Zecco.

Parades, exhibitions, performances by artists and a fundraiser to support the fighting forces were the highlights of the closing ceremony.

The leaders of the union handed over a financial envelope to the President of the special delegation, in order to support the war effort launched by the transitional government.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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