Nahouri: Members of the municipal public health police brigade take the oath

The members of the municipal public health police brigade were sworn in on Wednesday August 16, 2023 at the High Court (TGI) of Pô (Centre-Sud). This service thus allows the members to fully carry out their missions in the municipality of Pô.

The members of the municipal public health police brigade were sworn in this Wednesday, August 16, 2023 at the High Court of Pô (TGI), in the Center-South region.

Composed of eight members, they have all sworn to accomplish their missions well and exercise their functions, in all impartiality, in compliance with the laws of public hygiene.

Appointed by order of the president of the special delegation of the commune of Pô, the eight members of the brigade will have the role of controlling the application of the rules of public hygiene, of researching and noting the infringements.

They are also responsible for notifying and collecting fines from perpetrators of offenses and drawing up reports of their activities.

Before the taking of the oath, the president of the court, Issa Gouo, reminded the members of the brigade of the value of an oath and the importance of a brigade in a city.

For Mr. Gouo, the populations expect a lot from this brigade which will allow the populations to live in a healthy environment.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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