Nahouri/Festival Kaya Kassina tchandia: Seventy-two hours to promote the Kassena-Nankana culture


The musician artist Kibora Prince organized from March 24 to 26, 2023 in Kaya, in the town of Tiébélé, the 5th edition of the Kaya Kassina tchandia Festival, to promote the Kassena-Nankana culture. The ceremony was chaired by the High Commissioner of Nahouri Province, Auguste Kinda.

It is under the theme “social cohesion and preservation of the Kassena-Nankana cultural heritage”, that the musician artist Prince Kibora organized the 5th edition of the “Kaya Kassina tchandia” Festival.

Through this activity, the artist wants to mobilize and sensitize grassroots communities so that they fight against the gradual loss of our cultural values on the one hand and organize popular festivities around the Kassena-Nankana culture on the other.

The High Commissioner of the province of Nahouri, Auguste Kinda, praised the organizers for this great initiative, “because beyond its festive aspect, it is a framework for strengthening social cohesion between girls and sons of the village of Kaya”.

He also indicated that the festival is also a channel for the promotion of tourism and a contribution to the enhancement and sustainability of our cultural values through music, dance, archery and traditional wrestling.” .

During these three days of the festival, local, national and international artists and artistic ensembles from Ghana competed on the same stage, each showing their know-how in the field of Kassena-Nankana culture.

For the promoter Prince Kibora, the festival had its place given the mobilization, the echo and the activities carried out, which demonstrate that sport and culture are the key elements of development.

He invited the daughters and sons of the province to accompany him in his dynamics in order to perpetuate this activity which undoubtedly will contribute to the influence of the Kassena-Nankana culture.

Before the start of the ceremony, the customary authorities made blessings for the fighting forces engaged in the theater of operations

Kaya is a group of six villages in the municipality of Tiébélé and located about fifteen km south-east of Pô, capital of the province of Nahouri.

Source: Burkina Information Agency