Nahouri (Centre-south): A popular cross to strengthen the links between FDS and populations

The Pô garrison organized on May 31, 2023 in the city of Pô, a popular cross called “social cohesion cross”, to break down the barriers between populations and Defense and Security Forces (FDS) .

It is the High Commissioner of the province of Nahouri, Auguste Kinda, who chaired this activity, which takes place every last Wednesday of the month.

The objective of this popular cross which is part of the monthly sports activities of the Po garrison, is to strengthen the links and break down the barriers between the populations and the FDS.

“It also aims to sensitize the populations so that they collaborate frankly with the Defense and Security Forces (FDS), in these difficult times of security and humanitarian crises that Burkina Faso is experiencing,” said Captain Patrick A. Bado. , representing the commander of arms of the place of Pô.

Leaving from Némaro de Pô square, the provincial authorities, led by the High Commissioner, populations and FDS of the Pô garrison, walked through the arteries of the city of Pô before meeting at the same place for an aerobics session. .

For this month of May, it is the provincial directorate in charge of the Environment which carried out the activity.

For the next meeting, scheduled to take place on June 27, 2023 from 6 a.m. at Némaro Square, it is the Commando Training Center and Special Operations Training Center (CEC / FOS) housed within the camp Thomas Sankara who will organize the activity.

The high commissioner of the province welcomed the strong mobilization of the populations around this cross.

For Mr. Kinda, sport is a factor of social cohesion, development, integration and resilience in these difficult times that Burkina Faso is experiencing.

This is why he invited the populations to remain vigilant and to mobilize behind the fighting forces which are in the theaters of operations.

“It is only at this price that Burkina will win this war which has been unjustly imposed on it”, he concluded.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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