Murang’a Parents Advocate for Productive Engagement of Children During Extended Holidays

MURANG’A: As the two-month end-of-year school vacation begins, parents in Murang’a are voicing varying opinions on how to best utilize this extended period for the betterment of their children.

According to Kenya News Agency, a father of four, parents should focus on keeping their children engaged in constructive activities both for their personal development and safety.

Wa Nyokabi stressed the need for parents to allocate time for their children despite their busy schedules. “This is the only way to truly understand what is happening in our children’s lives,” he said. He advocated for involving the children in meaningful activities such as skill learning and sports to keep them occupied and positively shape their behavior. Wa Nyokabi further cautioned parents to be vigilant of their children’s social interactions to minimize the risk of drug usage or other detrimental behaviors.

Peter Kieni and Margaret Wanjiru, parents of three children, expressed eagerness to spend quality time with their children who have been away at boarding school. “We are looking forward to taking a family holiday during these few weeks,” Kieni noted.

However, the lengthy holiday period is not welcomed by all. Margaret Waweru, a mother of two, voiced concerns over the financial strain of keeping her children at home due to the elevated cost of living. “I plan to send my children to the village to stay with my parents where things are more affordable,” she said, while committing to visit them each weekend.

Similarly, Peter Mulei, another parent, emphasized his concerns over children engaging in mischief when left idle. Mulei recounted that he has already had to resolve minor issues involving his children within just a week into the holiday. “Children have an abundance of energy that should be channelled into productive activities,” he said, urging parents to involve their children in appropriate activities that aid their growth outside the classroom.

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