MP Mesbah Doma: The international community rejects local solutions and refuses to intervene in the Libyan crisis.


Tripoli, Member of Parliament, “Misbah Doma,” said that the international community rejects local solutions and refuses to intervene in the Libyan crisis in accordance with the interests of the countries involved in muddling the scene since 2011.

Doma added, in a statement published by Parliament Spokesman Abdullah Blehaq, that the international community is dealing with Libya as a retaliatory investment project to settle the differences of the former regime, calling on the UN envoy, Abdullah Batili, to clarify what is the mechanism and criteria for selecting the membership of the committee.

It is worth noting that the UN envoy proposed to the Security Council the formation of a “steering committee” that would set a roadmap for the elections that will be held this year 2023.

Source: Libya News Agency