Mouhoun: The Mgr Zéphyrin TOE diocesan medical center equips its staff


As part of strengthening the capacities of its staff, the Mgr Zéphyrin Toé diocesan medical center of Dédougou organized on September 11, 12 and 13, 2023 in Dédougou a training session for its staff under the theme: “Improving professional efficiency with greater humanity in care at the diocesan medical center”. The training brought together around fifty participants from all categories and constitutes a local communication action aimed at agents with a view to strengthening their capacities in caring for patients according to the rules of the art.

The objectives of this training session were to update general knowledge on pathologies such as serious malaria, dengue fever, exposure or risk of accidents in the workplace, and to provide good behavior on the preparation of injectable artesunate in order to avoid relapses among employees. patients.

In addition, the training aimed to present and explain the standardized framework on the patient circuit at the diocesan medical center, present and lead discussions on the management of medical-surgical emergencies at the center and discuss communication techniques in the healthcare environment.

For the director of the center, Abbé Jean Zougouri, the training session was initiated with the aim of communicating in order to best respond to the care of his patients and with the aim of not only generating suggestions and suggestions from the population. recommendations to improve the governance system but also to solicit their support for the structure’s actions.

The theme of the training was: “Improving professional efficiency with greater humanity in care at the Diocesan Medical Center”.

In terms of communication in the healthcare environment, we note that adequate “caregiver-patient” communication is a pillar in the improvement and quality of the healthcare relationship and patient satisfaction.

“A caregiver who listens is often more useful than a caregiver who prescribes,” noted one of the trainers.

In order to improve communication in patient care, participants wanted these types of training to be increased to acquire better communication skills.

They say this could improve patient safety and also reduce medico-legal risks for healthcare professionals. They have made a commitment to actively listen to the patient and take their opinions into account.

This would establish a climate of trust and could strengthen the “caregiver-patient” relationship by establishing a climate of trust.

During these three days, the fifty participants became familiar with themes such as the humanization of care: the particularity of the diocesan medical center, communication in a healthcare environment, patient reception, hospital hygiene, the patient circuit at the center, the concept of emergency medical. Likewise, the participants were equipped with the management of current pathologies, notably malaria and dengue fever. Good sampling techniques and what to do in the event of an accident or exposure to biological fluids were discussed.

Source: Burkina Information Agency