Mouhoun: The “Déli Fara Mandi” Association raises awareness among its members on peace and social cohesion

The association “Déli Fara Mandi” organized on Sunday May 21, 2023 in Dédougou a day of sharing and teaching around the promotion of peace and social cohesion. On this occasion, she offered food to internally displaced widows in Dédougou.

This day was intended as a framework of solidarity and mutual aid for more commitment of the members of the association “Déli Fara Mandi” for the promotion of tolerance and the preservation of peace in the city of Dédougou.

For the president of the association, Téné Kam, the initiation of such a day is relative to the security situation that the country is experiencing with its procession of loss of life, forced displacement of populations, closure of many schools and health centers, destruction of vital assets and infrastructure.

“As women, we have a role to play in promoting peace, solidarity for a city of justice and peace,” she said.

This second day of reflection of the association was held under the theme: “Role and place of women in the consolidation of peace”.

For the regional director in charge of human rights and civic promotion of the Boucle du Mouhoun, Diapoba Diarra, the organization of this day is in line with the guidelines of “our highest authorities”.

For Mr. Diarra, national news continues to “remind us that the preservation of peace is a permanent quest”.

“It is widely recognized that national development with its many facets in today’s world cannot be achieved without the full and active participation of women. In addition to their primary role as household managers, women invariably and significantly contribute to the stability and harmony of society, an aspect that is often overlooked,” he added.

In his opinion, it is necessary to combine efforts in order to resolve the difficulties inherent “in our life in community”. According to him, it is therefore important that men and women can, each in their own way, contribute to this effort to prevent and resolve conflicts in Burkina Faso.

“In this fight for the defense of peace, women, in their capacity as mothers, have a leading role to play. This is why the full and complete involvement of women in the peace process is the sine qua non for the progressive pacification of social relations,” he concluded.

On the sidelines of the ceremony, the women of the association expressed their solidarity with the internally displaced widows of the commune of Bourasso. Indeed, they offered food consisting of rice, corn and millet to these widows. The gesture was appreciated by the beneficiaries who expressed their gratitude to the donors.

The “Déli Fara Mandi” association was born in 2019 from the will of about fifteen women. Its objective is solidarity and mutual aid between members, the empowerment and empowerment of women, the advancement of women, young girls and children and the promotion of peace. To date, it has more than fifty members. In the long term, the association wishes to acquire a processing unit for local products in order to help its members and the community. To do this, it is counting on any partner who can support it in this area.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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